
Objectives of The "Crack On Foundation", are as follows:
The main principles are to deliver help, support, coaching and mentoring pre-dominantly to the under 25’s age group.
After initial referral or introduction the clients are assessed for level and type of assistance we can offer.
Personal Level
· To offer help in the form of items required by struggling people such as single parents, homeless, people being re-housed and/or coming out of an emergency situation where they have possibly lost everything.
· To assist in writing of CV’s to help clients step through interviews and provide guidance on personal presentation.
Business Level
· Assist in the setting up and funding of start-up business to allow people that have the idea but lack appropriate funding or support with practical items.
Personal Level
· To offer support to our clients having challenges dealing with life situations whether family related or work related that they cannot deal with directly.
Business Level
· To support the growth of start-up businesses and offer management expertise from the appropriate people.
Personal Level
· To deliver a daily positive email helping to inspire the minds of the readers, lifting their day and empowering their thoughts with positivity.
· Holding motivational seminars that allow our clients to raise the bar on their thoughts, expectations and mental state.
Business Level
· Coaching all start-up business entrepreneurs that we have funded to reach their goals and objectives.
Personal Level
· To use key speakers at seminars to show how, against the odds people can succeed and flourish despite any challenges they may have faced whether in their upbringing, abilities or general life.
Business Level
· To use key and high profile business owners as speakers to add their experience, knowledge and expertise at the seminars for start-up business assistance.
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- Crack On !!!
- Personal development and life coaching, with a twist.....lets have some fun!
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UK Tel: 07979 080808
INT Tel: +(44)7979 080808
Email: info@crackon.biz